Saturday, August 15, 2009

emotions and feelings

If you are about to write a novel or short story, it is imperative you include emotions or feelings. The background of our characters determines their emotions and how they react under certain situations. Before you begin a story you must know their attitudes about sex, the level of their education, relationship with siblings, parents, friends, even their position in the family. Readers must become emotionally involved with the characters in our book so we show how they feel. Are they introverts, extroverts, adventurers, or escapists? Were they orphaned as a child or did they have a happy secure childhood? In books, characters usually carry some "garbage" with them as a result of their backgrounds. An adult who was the child of alcholic parents may have difficulty trusting people. It is an emotion that will interfere with his relationships as an adult and something he or she will need to overcome. Perhaps the central character in a story is angry and feels everyone is against he or she. They will need to overcome their anger to ever have a happy adulthood. So it goes with emotions that are an imporant part of any story.